Monday, March 2, 2009

Ritz Cracker Chicken

Thanks to Brittney for this recipe, a variation of one I make!

Ritz Cracker Chicken
2 sleeves of Ritz crackers
2 cans chicken (this is my easy way, you can use "real" chicken if you prefer - shredded)
1 can cream of celery
1 can cream of chicken
8 oz. sour cream
1 stick of butter
Spray 9x13 baking dish. Crumble sleeve of crackers on the bottom of the pan. Mix chicken, soups and sour cream together. Spoon over crackers. Crumble other sleeve of crackers on top. Pour 1 stick of melted butter on top of crackers. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes.


  1. thank you for creating this recipe blog! i'm a newlywed and these recipes are great for cooking just for two. thanks again and keep them coming. :)

  2. Ok, I have a question. If I use real chicken that I have to bake I shred it? chunk it?

    Thanks Meredith!

  3. Ok, I'm going to try this. Mandy and Ashley were telling me you posted recipes on your blog so I thought I'd check it out. This looks great! thank you. If you ever have any great crock pot or super fast ones for days I work, I'd love to get them! =)
